Kids Zone

Recommended Websites

Here are a few links to websites that as school pupils you might find educational or informative:

Kids Smart Website

This is our recommended E-safety website for children of KS2 age. The website offers advice on online safety issues including mobile, social networks and cyberbullying.

Maths Is Fun

The idea behind the site is to offer mathematics in a fun way for pupils, it includes ideas for teachers.

BBC Bite Size

Fun and interactive games to help children between 3 and 11 years old with literacy and numeracy.


This site, which may be recommended for homework, provides a host of lessons, games and tools to entertain and challenge pupils.

Maths Chase

Maths Chase is a free site where you can quickly test your times tables; it offers a simple yet fun way to learn time tables.


This is the UK's free and confidential, 24-hour helpline for children in distress or danger. Trained volunteer counsellors comfort, advise and protect children and young people who may feel they have nowhere else to turn.